Xmas calendar.gif (10209 bytes)Dec 25, 2000  santa beach.gif (8357 bytes)

Mon, 12/25/00 Special meal late afternoon.

Big welcoming in the evening!

Moira and Jim arrived at 2:25pm! Fiona, Glen, Sean, Lee, Erin and Andy arrived at 8:55pm!

Hurrah!  It's Christmas morning and the rest of the family are coming into town today.  Let's celebrate.  Charley and Penny were happy to hold off on opening their presents -- they wanted to wait for the arrival of all the cousins from Scotland! 

Ty and I buzzed around all morning making beds and I also prepared a special meal ready for later on.   Then we took off to the airport to pick up Moira and Jim who had flown down from their home in Calgary, Alberta.  Yippee, it was very exciting!  We were able to go right up to the gate to greet them.  It was the first time I'd met my brother-in-law and I hadn't seen Mo for about 6 or 7 years!  I was excited to introduce them to Ty too. 

We came back home, Mum and Gary joined the celebration and we all had an enjoyable Christmas afternoon.  I served up a yummy Appetizer: Hot Artichoke Dip with Crackers and Crudities, followed by an Entrée of Salmon en Croute accompanied by Glazed Carrots with Ginger and Orange, Steamed Broccoli with Toasted Almonds and Turnip, Potato and Parsnip Mash; topped off with the Pumpkin Mousse Cake - yum, big hit!

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L-R back: Ty, Mari, Gary, Arthur, Jim
L-R seated: Christine, Moira, Catriona & Penny

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We all relaxed and chatted a bit, and then it was time to collect the final instalment of family members!   Ty and I drove in our car and Mum took her car.  We went right up to the gate again and it was so wonderful to see my nephews Sean and Lee and my niece Erin again!   Wow, they'd sure grown a lot in two years!  It was great to see Fiona, Glen and Dad again too.  And it warmed my heart to have my whole family meet Ty.   Although in all the excitement I don't think I properly introduced him... well, they knew who he was of course!  We all hugged and greeted together; then piled in the cars and came back to the beach house to join the others where a big, exuberant present-opening took place!  What a fun time that was. 

It was pretty late by now; Mum and Gary went back to their motel and everyone took to their respective sleeping quarters: Fi and Glen in the master bedroom along with Sean, Lee and Erin.  Mo and Jim in bedroom 2; Trina, Arthur, Charley and Penny in bedroom 3.  Dad downstairs on a futon in the 'dining' area.  And Ty and I tucked into our loft bed in the studio.  Yeh, we made it!  14 people in the house.  zzzzzz.

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Aha, here's Grace and Peter at Glasgow Airport
on Christmas Day seeing the Scottish troops off!

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Clockwise from top: Charley, Erin, Lee, Penny, Sean

Whew!  Busy day... time for bed now.

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