My Diary Jan 5, 2001

Fri, 1/5/01 Relaxing day at home and the beach.  To amusement park!
Today's plan was for Fiona and family to take a trip to Universal Studios on the train. However, everyone was too tired for another big day-trip plus the train was going to take a while.  So, we chose to make this our "last day" together at home and go to the Studios tomorrow in the hire van again.

Fiona took the kids to the amusement park where they enjoyed the carousel and boat rides.

We all enjoyed a yummy dinner of Fillet of Salmon...  fish jump.gif (7567 bytes)and had an early night.

Boat ride.jpg (40525 bytes)

Sean, Erin & Lee enjoying the Amusements!

Lee boat.jpg (28214 bytes)

Sean carousel.jpg (39146 bytes)

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